Hey, can’t I just copy your settings?

Hi Agung,

I recorded a video just now showing my update video (I've made almost 3.5k so far, in less than 2 weeks):

=> See inside my crypto account
(Note: I'm removing this soon as it's private data shared here)

This past week I've received a number of questions about Dan's method (that I've been following) for setting up these crypto bots.

Several people have asked…

"Mark, can't I just copy your settings? Why do I even have to learn this stuff?"

So I thought about that and, well my thoughts were something along the lines of:

Should I give a person fish vs teaching them how to fish…?

Firstly I signed an NDA, so I'm actually not allowed to give away my settings to anyone who isn't a member of Dan's program.

But, for those who DO sign up through my link, what I CAN do is, yes I can give you my settings.

In fact you can set them up with the click of a button, as I have a 'share link' that I can give that just sets it up for you.

So, you could join, and start by using my settings. I've gone through the training and created settings that ARE working well.

So I'm happy to give this to those I'm actually allowed to share them with.

However I do highly recommend going through his training too.

Don't just use my settings forever (though I'll happily provide updates).

Empower yourself, this is not time consuming, it's fast and you just leave it sitting there reaping the rewards.

In case you missed the workshop btw.

Here's the link to the replay. This is only online till Midnight Sunday, so don't miss it:

=> Replay: The NEW Method For Crypto Profits

What I love about this method is that it has nothing to do with buying low, holding, and then selling high.

It is designed to go well, even if the market is going downwards.

You'll see why on the replay above.

Enjoy and have a great day.

Kind regards,

Mark Ling

Founder of Traffic Travis

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