Training Encore Today: 1K Per Day (On The Side?)




Hi Agung,

If you were one of the people lucky enough to join us on last night's breakthrough session...

Then you'll know just how incredible Justin's method really is, and how easy it can be to turn a $32 commission into $700-1000...

For the exact same level of effort.

If you missed out, don't panic, because we're running a few encore sessions today.

==> Encore: The $1K Commission Shortcut

Justin really doesn't hold back when he teaches, so I highly recommend you take advantage and get in on this exclusive training while it's available.

For some who attend, this will be a great little side business, which could provide some pocket money, or even fund your main project.

And for many others, this will be a truly ground-breaking session, and could be something to pursue part/full time and scale it into something that could set you up for life.

==> Click here to join the call

See you there!


Kind regards,

Mark Ling
Founder of Traffic Travis
Address: PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand

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Are you joining us? Live Training Today ($1K Shortcut)




Hi Agung,

Just a quick reminder that I'm running a special live training session with Justin Atlan today, and we'd love to have you there!

As part of this particular training, Justin will be sharing his strategies that have been responsible for earnings as high as $108k in a single day!

That's not a common result of course...

But what IS common is the number of his students who are able to earn as much as $1k from a single affiliate sale using his unique method.

==> Join us on "The $1k Commission Shortcut"

For some who attend, this will be a great little side business, which could provide some pocket money, or even fund your main project.

And for many others, this will be a truly ground-breaking session, and could be something to pursue part/full time and scale it to the moon! (Plus, it's FUN!)

Make sure you're on the call live, take lots of notes, and ask lots of questions.

==> Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

Can't wait to see you there!


Kind regards,

Mark Ling
Founder of Traffic Travis
Address: PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand

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3 Key Lessons From My Top Student




Hi Agung,

My top student, Mr B, now makes over 8 figures a year.

This is not normal btw, he's an outlier, it's crazy how far he has come, and while he started with me back in 2008 and we've had regular contact since then…

…I'd be naive to think that it's all my doing. I'm sure he has learned from many other mentors along the way also.

Here are 3 of his big keys to success.

1. He diversifies.

He is an affiliate, info product owner, and also sells ecommerce based physical products.

They tell you that it's vital to focus on one thing. Yet so many of the top entrepreneurs out there, myself included, have multiple streams of wealth.

There are crossover lessons between different systems. Never start more than one at a time, but once one is flowing well, then as long as you're willing to outsource to buy back your time, there's no reason why diversification can't help add stability.

2. A large portion of his income comes as an affiliate. He started out earning lots of low ticket commissions, and scaled up proceedings from there.

Now, most of his commissions come from higher ticket products. This totals over 7 figures a year in profit.

Note: I am running a workshop on this topic with Justin Atlan on Monday, here's the link to that:

==> The $1k Commission Shortcut

3. He makes a lot of mistakes, and welcomes them.

You'd think that a guy making 8 figures a year would be pretty precise and sublime at what he does. And to some extent he is, but he makes more mistakes also than most people I know.

He's not worried about perfection, he's more worried about taking steps forward, even if that means going down the wrong path and needing to learn from that.

He doesn't wait for anyone to tell him he can do something, he tries something, reaches a dead end, backs up, tries again, until he either proves it's not a good idea, or that it succeeds.

He says that the biggest determining factor in anyone's success is whether or not they can enjoy the process of learning, as much as the end result. Because if someone can't enjoy the learning process, they will often give up when stubborn or unexpected obstacles present themselves.

Mr B has asked to remain anonymous for now. Though I appreciate him being willing to allow me to share those tips from him.

I'm trying to see if I can twist his arm to do an interview with me sometime after Christmas, as he's pretty busy till then. Fingers crossed, as he has had quite an adventure over the years.

Here's to YOUR successful adventure in online marketing.

Make sure you check out The $1k Commission Shortcut

==> The $1k Commission Shortcut


Kind regards,

Mark Ling
Founder of Traffic Travis
Address: PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand

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