3 ways to tell if Mindset is holding you back

Hi Agung,

I just had my parent-teacher interviews as my sons school yesterday.

What the teacher said about my oldest son Ben was really interesting.

He's doing well in school but what his teacher really liked was that if he can't do something, he just asks questions, or looks up information, or tries things, until he can do it.

He has a realisation that HE CAN do anything, but sometimes 'can't do it YET'.

It's a GROWTH mindset, and one that I highly recommend you look up on YouTube or Google (Dr Carol Dweck has a lot of great stuff to say about it).

His mindset is very different than a fixed mindset, where someone will get upset if they can't do something. Or they won't ask questions, or may possibly give up.

I see it in internet marketing all the time.

When people come across obstacles in their journey, they go one of two ways…

Path 1: They get knocked down by issues, frustrated, and start to look for someone else to blame. Sometimes they even blame themselves and they give up.

Path 2: They realise there's a challenge that needs to be overcome, and they get to work on it. Even if it takes 3 times as long as expected, they keep persisting, because they have an underlying belief that they can become better and they can learn from it.

With all this in mind, here are 3 ways to tell if Mindset is holding you back:

Number 1: You want everything to stay the same

Wouldn't it be easier if things didn't change for a while?

Imagine if it was just as easy to get high rankings in Google as it was 10 years ago?

Or what if Pay Per Click costs were still about 1-2c like it was 15 years ago?

Or what if there were hardly any competitors for drop shipping physical products?

The list goes on.

The fact is, however, that change is inevitable. It happens slowly most of the time, but occasionally there is a big change that occurs relatively quickly.

Whatever the change is, those who embrace change as an opportunity for learning and growth… And in particular, they know that it forms a roadblock for their competitors who want everything to stay the same…

…Those people are the ones who succeed the most.

So if this is you, I recommend saying this to yourself often:

I embrace change and love learning how to take advantage of new opportunities.

Of course this does NOT mean you should jump in on every new shiny object that comes in your path.

It just means that if some change comes into your path that is clearly a long term one, then it's time to embrace it and look for the silver lining.

Number 2: You are too hard on yourself

Whether you compare yourself to others too much, or whether you think you should make less mistakes and find things easier…

…It's easy to get into this trap.

What's really key though is to focus more on improvement from where you are at, than to compare yourself to other people.

And it's also really important to be humble and accept where you are truly at, rather than what 'should be'.

If things aren't going right, it's not a time to chastise yourself.

It's time to have a look at where you'd like to improve, and then get to work on improving it.

If someone else is doing better than you, then use them as inspiration.

What is it about what they are doing that you wished you were doing?

Don't just look at their results, but look at their methods… Is there a method of theirs that you can borrow and learn from?

Weaknesses are simply points opportunities for improvement (or acceptance).

And it's really important to spend more time feeling grateful for your own strengths than to curse yourself for your weaknesses.

Number 3: Your expectations are for things to happen too fast

I find that most people's expectations are either too fast or too slow.

Those who succeed the most tend to be those in the 2nd camp there.

They think it'll take longer than it actually does.

Which is better than expecting it to happen so fast that you're desperate if you don't see results within a short period of time.

It's important to realise that whatever goal you are reaching towards…

…It's likely that you'll take imperfect action.

Yes you'll take action, but there will be mistakes along the way.

Things may take time, building an online business can sometimes happen really fast, but most people who do well take several months.

That's OK.

What's important is to ENJOY the journey you are on… Just as much as the destination that you reach at the end.

If you enjoy the little bits along the way, good and bad, you'll never get off the road.

And if you're always on the road, you will reach the destination, sooner or later.

Keep taking action with what you learn.

Building your online business is exciting and life changing.

Be kind to yourself, be patient and embrace all learning the comes along the way.

Have a great day.

Kind regards,

Mark Ling

Founder of Traffic Travis

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