5 reasons to get AKElite right away

Hi Agung,

A couple of days ago I sent you an email mentioning Brad Callen's new AKElite software, which makes it even easier to make great profits from little kindle mini-books.

==> Click Here for AKElite

Today I wanted to give you 5 great reasons why I believe that AKElite is a really good investment...

  1. The number of people with kindle devices and/or kindle reading software installed on their ipads, iphones, pcs, macs, etc, has grown to well over 30 million worldwide. Millions of kindle books are being bought every month by these users.
  2. Making and selling kindle books is a simple and repeatable process that even my little 16 year old sister and my 66 year old father are having great success with.
  3. You don't need your own website, you just write a short report (or outsource to a writer) on a particular topic, and then you sell it for something like $3.
  4. AKElite is running a limited time launch special pricing, plus some amazing bonuses that you shouldn't miss out on. These bonuses include products from 6 different Kindle Gurus who teach their various strategies for kindle success.
  5. AKElite makes it much easier to rank higher on Amazon and to snoop on your competition. It gives you an almost unfair advantage.

I've reviewed this software right throughout its development as Brad kept asking my opinion on it and to test it, and I haven't seen anything like it in the world of Kindle before.

==> Click Here to get AKElite

Kind regards,

Mark Ling
Founder of Traffic Travis


Address: PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand

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