Did Google's May 22nd Penguin Update Affect Your Rankings?

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In an effort to provide searchers the most helpful search results, Google has continued to refine their search algorithm.

Google Penguin

Their most recent update, affectionately named "Penguin 2.0," was launched May 22nd, 2013. Penguin updates are expected to continue, and are geared toward dramatically improving quality, relevancy, and cleanliness of the search result by penalizing overly spammy pages or those with spam-like links. Sites that violate Google's quality guidelines have also likely been hit by this newest update to Google's constantly changing algorithm.

Even though many sites have been hit hard by these updates, you don't have to be among them. Your site can recover from Penguin and prepare for future algorithmic updates by understanding the update and making recommended changes.

Here are some of the most important things to know about how Penguin might affect your website. READ MORE >>

If you want to find out how these updates may have affected your website and where your website ranks today, check out our Free Website Analysis. This analysis will provide you with your current Google rankings, how you compare to you online competition and your site metrics that identify prominent problems with your website.

Penguin Graph

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