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We see that you have repeatedly gone to Anoox Advertising buy page for your Site:
but still have not started your Advertising campaign!
We would like to hear from you why that is?
After all, Anoox delivers to you the most effective & lowest cost Advertising since Anoox is the only non-profit Social network and Search engine
Collective in the World. So please tell us why you have not opened your Anoox Advertising account yet, even though Anoox SAVEs you 50 to 99% in
cost of Advertising compared to Big Wall Street based Search engine and Social networks of Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc..
And will give you a $50 Free Advertising reward if we find your reason to be valid, novel and one that we can act on.
To tell us why you have not opened your Anoox Advertising account yet, even though Anoox SAVEs you 50 to 99% in cost of Advertising, please Go here:
And again will give you a $50 Free Advertising reward if we find your reason to be valid and one that we can act on.
So if you tell us: "I find Anoox Advertising to be too expensive.." even though Anoox Advertising SAVEs you 50 to 99% compared to Google, Facebook,
Twitter, etc.., then of course this is not a valid reason. But if you tell us something that we have overlooked, something that we can act on, then you
will get the $50 Free Advertising reward.
OTOH, If you are finally ready to open your Anoox Advertising campaign, please Go here:
Top reasons to start your Anoox Advertising campaign on Anoox:
1- FREE to display your Ads - Only pay for Clicks on your Ads for qualified people to come to your Site
2- Reach Millions of Potential Customers, when they are looking for what you are offering
3- SAVE 50 to 99% on Cost of Advertising, since we are the only non-profit Search engine & Social network Collective
*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE ***
+++ CHANGE where you Advertise to the non-profit Search engine & Social network - CHANGE your Business for BETTER - CHANGE the World for BETTER +++
Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street
Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved
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