Webinar Replay: Facebook Traffic Secrets


Hi Agung,

The ‘Facebook Traffic Secrets’ webinar replay is now online.

Fred shared some incredible secrets about how to get floods of
paid traffic from Facebook.

If you’re in a rush, here’s the link to the replay:

==> http://www.traffictravis.com/redirect/facebook1200

For those of you who wish to fast forward to specific sections of
this webinar, here’s the breakdown of how it is structured…

*First 15 mins*

A bit of background about Fred. You’ll get to know
him a bit better and hear about how he lost everything and yet turned
things around to growing a 7 figure business from paid traffic. 

He has now spent over 10 million on traffic and has a mountain of
knowledge to share with you on this webinar (and the next 2 workshops
in this series of 3). 

*15mins - 1 hour 10 mins*

During the next 55 minutes or so Fred teaches a lot of the fundamentals
of why he has become so successful with Facebook advertising so that
you can TOO. 

This includes his strategy for making up to 1200% return on his Facebook

Examples of some of his offers and how he targets them in a way that most
other people are ignoring, but is hugely important for being successful with
this model.

How he goes about testing with little $5 campaigns, and how he scales
from there.

The specific ad types NOT to use when adverting on Fbook, and so much 

*1 hour 10 mins*

From this point onwards Fred presents his incredible offer for those of you
who are interested in having his cutting-edge hand-holding coaching in
traffic training. 

For some of you, this will be a game-changer that dramatically boosts
your online income to a high level. 

This won’t be for everyone, but for those of you who are keen to master
the art of driving paid traffic to your physical products, digital products,
optin pages, clients websites and more, this will be hugely valuable. 

You’ll see full details at this point in the video.

Whether you do decide to join or not, make sure that you learn from what
he teaches during the training portion of this workshop.

Here’s the link to the Facebook Traffic Secrets webinar replay:

==> http://www.traffictravis.com/redirect/facebook1200

Make sure you watch it while it’s still online!

Kind regards,


Mark Ling

Founder of Traffic Travis


Address: PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand

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