Thinking a level up from everyone else

Hi Agung,

This game I enjoyed on my ZX Spectrum when I was 6 years old brings back memories:

==> Manic Miner Game

You move left with Q, right with W, and jump with the Space bar. Your aim is to avoid obstacles, collect keys, and exit before your air runs out, spanning across 20 levels.

I'm sharing this because my 12-year-old son Caleb wants to create an online game with similar mechanics.

He plans to include both user-generated and official levels in his game.

The lesson here is to think a level above the ordinary: Caleb wants to create a platform where others can make games.

He's already designing this platform without worrying about feasibility.

Dreaming big is step one; figuring out the how comes next.

Unlike adults who procrastinate, kids just start and adapt as they go.

This year, my focus is on teaching the basics of a successful mindset, not just how to make sales.

Hard work and discipline are crucial; quick, effortless riches are unrealistic.

Well-thought-out plans, coupled with consistent effort, have the potential to grow significantly over time.

I'm planning to start several social media communities for more interactive discussions on topics like affiliate marketing.

Look out for these new communities.

Talk soon,

Mark Ling

Founder of Traffic Travis

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