Hi Agung, Due to popular demand, we've decided to make the Affiliate Cash Code replay available for a limited time. ==> Click here to watch the replay instantly Both the live and encore sessions were super popular, and here are some of the most popular questions we had on the calls: Q. What's the smallest amount I can start spending to get going? A. Many students have started off with as little as $20-30 per day Q. Do I have to be in the US to do this? A. Not at all, there are students from all around the world who achieve incredible results Q. I know nothing about Facebook, will this still work for me? A. Yes absolutely, all intricate details are taught in the program. And if you're ever stuck, the fantastic support will help you through any roadblocks in no time Q. How many hours do I need to spend on this per week? A. Many successful students spend as little as 6 hours per week, but it all depends on how quickly you'd like to scale up. 6-10 is a great starting point though. This replay won't be online for long, as we have another event coming up soon which we will update you on ASAP. ==> Click here to watch the replay and take notes Until then, make sure you learn as much as you can from this lesson, and I look forward to bringing you more! Kind regards, Mark Ling Founder of Traffic Travis Traffic Travis - PO Box 41072, Ferrymead, Christchurch 8247, New Zealand Use the link below if you'd like to unsubscribe: https://www.mailwizz.doubledotmedia.com/lists/tn354nwvwl75e/unsubscribe/oe0897lcop375/se9188fp5g488
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