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We noticed that the other day you started buying Advertising for your Site
but did not complete the purchase!
Why Not! Please Keep in mind, if you want More Traffic and Sales for your Site, you really have 3 Choices:
1- Spend $10,000+ per Month, and much more, on Google™, etc. Big Wall Street Media - Great for them not so Good for you
2- Spend a little, on average only $45 per Month, Advertising on Anoox the only non-profit Search engine & Social network - in the World
3- Pray that by some Osmosis people will find your Web Site on the Ocean of Sites that is the World Wide Web
So GO ahead start your Anoox Advertising campaign Today, knowing with FULL confidence this is your Best Buy in Advertising, because:
1- We are the ONLY non-profit Search engine & Social network in the World and have been so for more than 10 Years
2- We have Millions of Monthly users - whom are eager to support small businesses Advertising on Anoox
3- You can Target your Ads based on Keywords, GEO and Topics, and now Age & Gender too, resulting in effective Traffic to your Site
To open your Advertising campaign with Text Ads, please go here:
To open your Advertising campaign with Banner Ads, please go here:
And here is another reason to start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today - Get 20% Off, by using Customer Code:
NOTE: this is Limited Time offer, expiring within 48 Hours of receiving this email.
Now if you are still wondering can Anoox network deliver to us the increase in Traffic & Sales we want?
Answer is Yes, because for Millions World Wide Anoox is the Hub of their daily Lives - Details:
And if you were wondering HOW can Anoox deliver Advertising that SAVEs us 50 to 90% compared to Big Media Google™, etc.?
Answer is because we are the non-profit Search engine and Social network, dedicated to supporting Small Businesses - Details:
Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street.
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street.
Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved
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