Hi Agung, My son's Caleb (7) and Ben (9) had their first go on a Flowrider yesterday… They LOVED it!   They went on it, started off boogie boarding, then progressed a few minutes later to standing up on a surfboard. They wiped out lots, laughed their heads off when they slipped over, and kept getting back on again, and again… And got better every time This 'embracing mistakes', and keeping on trying again and again, is the fastest path to improvement at ANYTHING in life. And I'm bringing it up in today's newsletter because I think that people think that just because they are following what some marketing coach (such as myself) is teaching them, that they should instantly succeed first time with no mistakes. But Ben and Caleb had an instructor showing them what to do, demonstrating, they copied what she was doing, and the STILL had wipeouts. There is no substitute for getting back on the board and trying again, and again. Building and strengthening those neural pathways with each experience, and getting better all the time. At best, templates and copying exactly what someone else is doing, is like training wheels on a bike… You can go 'ok' but sooner or later you need to take the training wheels off, and be willing to make some mistakes in order to get better. The same is true in marketing. There is no 'magic bullet' but there are several very strong marketers out there, myself included, who can share what is working for them… And they can provide 'training wheels,' like software and templates, to make things as easy as possible to succeed on this journey. The other key is that ability to laugh and enjoy the little so-called 'failures' and 'mistakes' that happen along the way. My kids LOVED seeing their 'wipeout' videos. And if you have something go wrong in marketing, like you spend $50 on a paid ad, that doesn't convert to sales… Then you still need to record what happened, this is your 'wipeout' so to speak. Like when I first started out in the Dog Training niche, I spent money on various keyword targeted ads in google. I 'wiped out' with ads targeting people who typed in phrases like "German Shepherd" and even phrases that seemed like they'd be profitable like, "How to train a puppy"… But I hit gold with targeting phrases like "Stop German Shepherd Aggression" and "Weimeraner Training" etc. Wipeouts became part of my story towards success, something to reminisce about fondly (time can heal the wounds of lost advertising revenue), and the wins of course lead to an ever growing business. So, my challenge for you is to make sure that you have at least one 'wipeout' this week, and to learn a lesson from that wipeout (even if it's a small lesson). To wipeout means you must have challenged yourself in some way, possibly more than once. Onwards and upwards! |