Monday, 1 May 2017 by Unknown "Congress reaches deal to fund U.S. government through September" Moment What's happening Congress reaches deal to fund U.S. government through September US News ⋅ This morning Congress reached a deal to fund the government through September, alleviating rising fears of a shutdown later this w... Go to Moment There's no avoiding it ... 🎶 It's gonna be May 🎶 Haha ⋅ This morning All of the Justin Timberlake photos and GIFs you could possibly want in one place. Go to Moment Eminem sues New Zealand political party over campaign song Celebrity ⋅ Earlier today Eminem's publishing company, Eight-Mile Style has accused New Zealand's National Party of breaching copyright laws wi... Go to Moment What if fresh pizza girl met raven goth? Trending ⋅ 13 minutes ago Fresh pizza girl lives in London and raven goth travels the Moscow metro, but Japanese-Canadian cartoonist Nina Matsu... Go to Moment Mistaking books and movies for real life Haha ⋅ Last night That sounds like a really dramatic story, but isn't it the plot line for Taken? Go to Moment 'Pope Bars' is back for another tour Haha ⋅ This morning It's not the first time people have pointed out that Pope Francis commands the microphone like a rapper. Go to Moment Settings | Help | Unsubscribe We sent this email to @GadGetGir Twitter International CompanyOne Cumberland Place, Fenian StreetDublin 2, D02 AX07 IRELAND ------------------------------------------------
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